Why Robert Kiyosaki Says 401k Plan Or 401k Contribution Doesn’t Work?

Why Robert Kiyosaki Says 401k Plan Or 401k Contribution Doesn’t Work?


Tantawi Sagara

Throughout my life, I lived in a world where I saw rich people are getting richer and poor people are burdened to work 9 to 19 hours in a week and had to depends on their retire fund to spend the rest of their life. I remembered clearly when I was about to do my field study, I applied to work in a domestic company. Every single day, I noticed how the employees were working hard just to cover their bills by the end of the moment. Their life was managed by others, by the riches; they need to work throughout their entire life just to earn the measly amount of money provided by their social security (401k). I told myself not to have that kind of life.

Why Retirement Fund Or 401k Kills People?

Mary Painter, Operational Director of CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc. witnessed how many people died after retiring from their job and some committed suicide. She asked a question that nobody wants to answer, why people died so fast just after retiring or why people would commit suicide after working for their entire life.


The fact is that most of the people work for their entire life; they are working hard just that they would have their retirement fund to depend on when they retire and they found out that the retirement fund was barely enough to cover their expenses every month. They are in a point in their life where they had all the time they need in the world to do whatever they wanted to do, but not having the money to do it.

This is what has happened to the entire baby boom’s generation and generations to come. I said to myself that this kind of situation cannot happen to me; I have to find a way. This kind of situation cannot happen to you also; you have to find a way.

Now, instead of working for my entire life and had to depend on the retirement fund which was not a solution at all, I decided to start my own business and I decided to retire young, retire rich.

How To Retire Young And Retire Rich?

The story above would be a wide description about why 401k won’t work for you. 401k is invested on mutual funds which was too risky. No matter what you professions are, whether you are a banker, a clerk, a secretary, you will face this kind of situation.

How many of you are below 45? Do you want to retire young and retire rich? Or do you want to work your entire life away? How many of you want to be retired around 40 and financially free for the rest of your life?

How many of you are over 45 but are still struggling to cover your bills and debts by the end of the month? And just let your life depends on your 401k which will not be functioning really well if the share price falls?

What exactly is the way or the solution to this problem? What can get you out of the rat race that is faced by 95% of the population? The answer is, are you an employee or an employer? You don’t need to have a large corporation to be called an employer. What matters is your mindset and are you willing to be one.

Your plan to retire using 401k will only work if the value rises which needed the share to rise. So if you want to get out of the rat race and decided to invest in a business, what business model would be the right one to start with at this time of recession? Robert Kiyosaki said, “If I were to rebuild my fortune all over again, I would choose Network Marketing’s Industry”. Why? Because it applied leverage, leverage is the most important thing needed to be rich fast. Imagine Internet as your leverage where 1.4 billion users can see your business and work with you with a single click of the mouse.

The next article will explain more in details about using leverage to retire young, and retire rich. If you wanted to know more about how Network Marketing will greatly help you on achieving financial freedom, you go right now to http://www.makeglobalsales.com

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Why Robert Kiyosaki Says 401k Plan Or 401k Contribution Doesn’t Work?