Symptoms Of Varicose Veins Revealed

Although varicose veins are often considered a cosmetic concern due to their somewhat unsightly appearance, their presence can, in fact, indicate underlying vascular issues. Varicose veins can give rise to a myriad of unpleasant symptoms which adversely affect an individual’s quality of life. This article will outline in detail the symptoms associated with varicose veins, to aid in timely detection and swift medical intervention. During the course of this article, the knowledge of a renowned vascular specialist Sydney will be referred to, for a thorough understanding.

Recognising Early Symptoms

The main symptoms of varicose veins that are easily recognisable include veins that are: dark purple or blue in color, twisted and bulging, often resembling cords on your legs. For some people, the manifestation of varicose veins poses no physical discomfort, and they are primarily bothered by the appearance. However, for a host of others, varicose veins can cause varying degrees of discomfort.

Pain and Discomfort

Pain is one of the predominant symptoms of varicose veins. Patients often describe their pain as an aching or cramping sensation in the legs. There could also be a throbbing, burning, or heaviness in the legs. It is not uncommon for these symptoms to worsen after prolonged periods of sitting or standing.


Swelling in the feet and ankles is another common symptom. This may often be accompanied by muscle cramping or throbbing in your lower legs, particularly at night. Noticeable swelling is often a sign that blood is pooling in the leg veins due to inefficient circulation, and requires prompt medical attention.

Skin Changes

Skin changes are another telltale sign of varicose veins. The skin around varicose veins may become discolored, hardened, or inflamed. This condition, known as venous stasis dermatitis, occurs due to increased pressure in the veins, which leads to fluid and blood seeping into the surrounding tissues.

Vein Rupture and Ulcers

In extreme cases, veins very close to the skin might burst, causing minor bleeding. Additionally, long term varicose veins might lead to venous ulcers- non-healing sores mostly near the ankle. Both these conditions necessitate immediate medical attention.

The Role of a Vascular Specialist

Recognising these symptoms of varicose veins is a crucial step in seeking medical help. The role of a vascular specialist, such as our reference vascular specialist Sydney, cannot be understated in these circumstances. They will thoroughly evaluate your condition, diagnose the severity, and provide a comprehensive treatment plan best suited for you. This could involve lifestyle changes, conservative treatments, or even surgical procedures in severe cases.

The consequences of leaving varicose veins untreated can range from continuous discomfort and cosmetic issues to severe health complications including deep vein thrombosis. Therefore, early recognition and treatment of veinal symptoms are paramount.


While the symptoms of varicose veins may vary from person to person, it is vital to monitor any changes or discomfort. Aching, throbbing, or burning in your legs, veins that appear lumpy or twisted, and swelling in the lower legs are all signs that you may need to consult a professional. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms described above, reach out to a trustworthy professional like the referred vascular specialist Sydney.