Hamsters Make Great Pets

Hamsters Make Great Pets


Derrick Anderson

Hamsters are wonderful pet animals. They are sometimes known as a fancy hamster. Some pet stores may call these pets by different names like Dalmatian, teddy bears, polar bears, European black bears, honey bears, black bears, and panda bears as per the color.


Appearance of Hamsters The subfamily of this pet consists of 25 species. These pet animals have shorter tails in comparison to the body length and have stout bodies. Moreover, hamsters also have small but furry ears and wide but stocky legs. One thing to keep in mind is that the immune system of the hamster works in a sensitive manner, thus, can easily get infected via human beings. It is advised to touch and play with them with clean hands. As they are smaller in size and stature, so is their life. They feel happiness and displeasure in shorter time spans. They use body language in order to convey their messages. Behavior Patterns of Hamsters Hamsters are the tiny creatures and they actually do not make annoying sounds from their nose like some other pet animals. They like to play inside of hamster running wheels and use this toy keep them busy and running all day. This way you are providing them with enough exercise for the day. They are capable enough to travel for over 8 miles in search of food. If you train them carefully, they will instantly react to their names when called. Abilities and Drawbacks of Hamsters These pet animals suffer from color blindness. They are highly able to hear the sounds in the form of ultrasonic range. They can also dig the earth in the wild up to 3 meters. They have vision up to only 6 inches of distance. Beyond that they can not see. Inside one single burrow made by hamsters, they can store up to 38 pounds of grain.

Legacy Cages offers quality wire mesh

hamster cages

and various sizes of

small animal cages


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